Gabriel Project Mumbai - Operation CoVER - Corona Virus Emergency Response


Operation CoVER - Corona Virus Emergency Response


The Cause: Gabriel Project Mumbai (GPM) is an NGO that works with local communities to care for vulnerable children in slums and under-served rural villages of Maharashtra, India. Join Righteous Crowd in supporting Gabriel Project Mumbai. We previously funded GPM in 2019 and 2020.

The Reason: We have been corresponding with GPM and just received this e-mail.
It is very difficult to comprehend the devastating COVID-19 outbreak in India over this past month.

The state of Maharashtra, which is home to Mumbai and the center of our activities, is currently at the epicenter of the pandemic. What’s more, although the remote rural communities were mostly insulated from the virus, this current wave has extended to all corners of the state.

In our work, as we operate in rural and urban vulnerable communities, we are witnessing daily catastrophes and the impacts of the pandemic and the lockdowns families and communities.

Unfortunately, five of the GPM staff members have contracted COVID-19 while we mourn the deaths of friends, volunteers and community members in our orbit.

While we applaud the government vaccination efforts – 21 million people are already fully vaccinated – it is not enough. The last 7 days have seen an average of 310,000 new cases each day with a current total of 17 million cases across India.

What’s third of all Corona deaths occur in the state of Maharashtra.
We are utterly distraught by what is going on.

But we are not giving up!

We are working diligently, even through the current 3-week lockdown, to provide urgent services for our community while keeping our staff safe. We are providing emergency direct food assistance to families that have no income, as well as ensuring medical assistance for those who need attention.

I am reaching out to you at this critical time to help us with this life-saving work.

Please help us provide emergency food and medical relief to families in Maharashtra.

We cannot do this without you!

To join us in donating to Gabriel Project Mumbai: Click here.

Amy Benarroch